Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pundits call it for Clinton

The reviews of the debate I've read so far put Clinton ahead after last night's debate. Or, more accurately, John McCain. Certainly Barack was under more scrutiny than Hillary was. I still think he handled it well for the most part (unlike Hillary's "defense" of her Bosnia statements). The question is whether or not his affiliations are an accurate depiction of who he is. If they are, do we want a closet-radical as President? And if not, do we want a person who affiliates with anyone in order to get ahead?

I'm torn on the character issue. I think it's extremely important, but it seems to drown out any sort of policy debate. Democrats and Republicans represent two very different views of what the government should be doing. That issue should come first, and then character issues. We're a large country, we should be able to find someone who has good policy ideas who's a stand-up person as well.

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